Darktable lightroom linux
Darktable lightroom linux

There are quite a few choices and even more if you want simpler tools, but if you're being paid for your work then something more substantial will be required. There are things I wish I knew about switching away from Adobe stuff so I hope the following helps out in preparing your photos/files for the big switch over. If you've used a tool chain of Lightroom and Photoshop together then things are going to get more complicated but very do able once you've dedicated yourself to going all the way. This is a collection of information I wish I knew when switching to alternative software.

darktable lightroom linux

Keep backups of your original RAW photos along with library/catalogs or whatever database you and your software created. What works for me might not work for you. The following is my opinion and personal use case about lots of different software for photography.

Darktable lightroom linux